Notice of Liability
Please take notice that all officers and trustees are legally obligated to take immediate and lawful action to prevent maladministration and must strictly adhere to all constitutional provisions, upholding the principles of fundamental law. Any failure to fulfill this duty will be considered a willful and deliberate trespass, executed with full knowledge, intent, and malice.
Furthermore, if you hold a differing perspective or question the validity of these statements-especially if you believe that, in times of crisis or urgency, you possess the authority to violate the inherent rights of the People, such as their freedoms of movement, worship, conscience, or to preserve life-you are required to respond within ten (10) business days via a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury. This response must cite the specific constitutional provisions that you believe grant you the authority to infringe upon the People's rights or disregard lawful directives. Failure to provide such evidence within the specified timeframe will be interpreted as your acknowledgment that all claims presented herein are accurate, and you must immediately cease any further violations against the People.
The government has no lawful authority to create or enforce "emergency powers" that violate the Constitution. Such actions are an overreach and usurpation of power that must be opposed and corrected by the People. The Constitution, as the supreme law of the land, provides no exceptions for emergencies, and any attempt to claim otherwise is a violation of the trust and authority granted to government officials by the People. As such, any and all actions taken under the guise of "emergency powers" that infringe upon the rights of the People are null and void, and it is the duty of the People to hold their government accountable for such unlawful actions.
As John Locke asserts in Section 240 of Two Treatises of Government, "The common question will likely arise: 'Who shall judge whether the prince or legislature acts contrary to their trust?' To this, I answer, 'The People shall judge;' for who is better suited to judge whether their trustee or deputy acts in accordance with the trust placed in them, than those who have delegated that power? If this is reasonable in private matters, it is even more SO in matters of the greatest importance, where the welfare of millions is at stake, and where the consequences of failing to act are dire, with remedies being difficult, costly, and dangerous."
When government officials violate the trust granted to them by the People, their removal from office is not just necessary, but essential to safeguarding the integrity of governance. Any failure to address these issues, or any further violations arising from ignorance, ambition, oppression, usurpation, fear, folly, or corruption that negatively impact the lives and liberties of the People, will be considered a breach of your trust agreement. This breach will automatically result in the forfeiture of any authority granted to you, leading to your immediate removal from office. Furthermore, under the self-executing provisions of the 3rd and 4th sections of the 14th Amendment, any person who engages in such violations shall be barred from holding any office, civil or military, under the United States or any state, and any debts, obligations, or claims arising from such actions shall be void.
Additionally, you accept all fines, penalties, and liabilities for your actions, including $7,000 per individual, per occurrence, in compensation to affected parties. I reserve the right to resolve this matter through an arbitrator of my choosing, whose decision will be binding. Moreover, no court shall have the authority to rehear this matter; it shall stand as evidence, truth, and law in all courts of record.
This Notice is sent to you in peace and with the love of our Creator, SO that you may provide immediate due care to those in whom all political power is inherent, the People.