The Governor's Responsibility to Prevent Invasion
Please take notice that it is the Governor's duty to prevent an invasion of migrants under the laws of the United States and the State of Ohio. The Governor is charged with executing the uniform naturalization laws passed by the United States Congress and is required to take all proper ways, enterprises, and means to stop any foreign invasion of the state. As such, the Governor is entrusted with delegated powers to protect the People of Ohio from those who enter or may attempt to unlawfully enter, or overwhelm the state's resources in a manner akin to an invasion. Thus, the Governor and state public servants are obligated to act decisively to protect the inalienable rights of Ohio citizens and ensure the protection of life, liberty, prosperity and property. The Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 1 guarantees that all legal individuals are entitled to the enjoyment and defense of life, liberty, and property, while Article I, Section 8 makes clear that it is the state's responsibility to act in times of invasion when public safety is at risk, We the People are at risk, we have suffered grave harms and we did not consent to your illegal invasion. Please show where you got the authority to ignore frugality, ignore the laws and abuse the trust by using the Peoples funds to school, feed, transport, clothe, shelter, translate, purchase commodities for and give our jobs and housing to undocumented foreigners, migrants, illegitimate Refugees and Mercenaries.
Please take further notice that under Article I, Section 9 of the original organic Constitution for the United States of America, circa 1787, as amended with The Bill of Rights in 1791, states originally held the authority to regulate the migration or importation of persons. While this provision restricted Congress from prohibiting migration prior to 1808, the power of the states to regulate migration did not cease after 1808. Instead, it evolved, with the federal government assuming some control by creating laws approved by congress, but the inherent power of the states to protect their communities from unlawful invasions persists, especially when the federal government fails to fulfill its obligations under Article IV, Section 4, which mandates that the federal government protect states from invasion. Therefore, Ohio retains the authority to regulate migration when the federal government neglects its duty.
- Ohio Const. art. I, § 1 All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.
- Ohio Const. art. I, § 2. "All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly."